You said it's too late to make it, But is it too late to try?

If happy ever after did exist
I would still be holding you like this




I just want to die in your arms, here tonight

flyttångesten tar över

snubblar runt

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We still talk but it's not the same

Me without you just feels insane,

I keep pushing for what it was before


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I can't even pretend to smile today

Watch my face as I pretend to feel no pain

I will forget everything I know about love

tack mina finaste tjejor för att ni lyser upp mina dagar, varje dag ♥

drar mig iväg till el mackoo och sover där inatt, ha en bra kväll vänner!

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and right now, i don't know what to do

bra början på lovet fan

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